Criminal Defense

The Devastating Ramifications of Having a Restraining Order Granted against You: Why You Need a Qualified Restraining Order Lawyer
The consequences of having a California restraining order granted against you can be severe. If a restraining order is filed against you, it is of the utmost importance to retain the services of a qualified restraining order law firm to come to your defense. If you do not hire a law firm to defend you it is much more likely that the restraining order will be granted against you. If…
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Restraining Orders— What they are, the penalties for violating them, and how to defend yourself (PC 273.6)
Restraining orders are the court's power for keeping two people apart. Whatever the reasons behind them, a violation carries criminal consequences. Even just a call or text can be a misdemeanor, meaning possible jail time and a fine. If you face accusations of violating a restraining order, the restraining order defense attorneys at Wallin & Klarich can fight for you. You may have legal options that can reduce or dismiss…
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Civil Restraining Orders May Be Used Maliciously Resulting In Criminal Consequences (PC 273.6)
A civil restraining order is a court order that can help protect people who have been abused, threatened with abuse, or are being harassed. A civil restraining order is a court order, and does not become a criminal action unless the order is violated. The most common civil restraining order is a domestic violence restraining order. It is appropriate in circumstances where you and the person you want to restrain…
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I’m Charged with a Violation of a Protective Order. What Should I Do Next?
In California, Penal Code section 136.1 authorizes the trial court in criminal case to issue orders which are generally referred to as criminal protective orders. Such orders may include an ex parte no-contact or stay-away order, an order not to intimidate the victims or witnesses, or an order protecting the victim of a violent crime from all contact by the defendant. Such a protective order, however, may be issued only…
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I’m Charged with a Violation of a Restraining Order. What Should I Do Next?
Restraining orders are civil orders that can be requested by the individuals who believe they are the victims of crime, violence or harassment. The alleged victim must first file for and receive a temporary restraining order, or a TRO. The judge will then schedule a hearing to determine if there is sufficient evidence to grant a permanent restraining order. At this hearing, the court will require a higher burden of…
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Restraining Orders in California
Restraining orders are court orders that prohibit one person from contacting another person. In the state of California, there are various types of restraining orders. Emergency Protective Order (EPO) – This type of restraining order goes into effect immediately but is not long-lasting. It is generally used in domestic violence instances and gives a person time to apply for a permanent restraining order. Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) – This type…
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O.C. Man Sentenced to 17 Years for Making Threats to Wife and Family Law Judge
A 45-year-old Orange County man was sentenced to 17 years imprisonment for possessing homemade explosive devices with the intent to kill his former wife, her divorce attorney, the family court judge and Huntington Beach Police Department officers. The Costa Mesa resident was ultimately charged with a laundry list of offenses, 15 felony counts in all, including stalking, possession of a destructive device with intent to injure, possession of a homemade…
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California Restraining Orders – How They Can Affect You
The consequences of having a California restraining order granted against you are severe. If a restraining order is filed against you, it is of the utmost importance to retain the services of a qualified restraining order attorney in California to make sure that the restraining order against you is not granted. If you do not hire an attorney, it is much more likely that the restraining order will be granted…
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