Crime Conviction

What You Need To Know If You Or A Loved One Is Facing A Murder Charge
What You Need To Know If You Or A Loved One Is Facing A Murder Charge Murder, defined as the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought, is one of the most severe crimes under California law. If you or a loved one are convicted of a murder charge there will be very serious punishment. Murder cases have many complex legal issues and you will need the guidance…
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Netflix and No Chill: Is Sharing Your Netflix Password a Federal Crime?
Could a law designed to prevent computer fraud unintentionally make criminals out of millions of Americans who use services such as Netflix and Amazon? That is precisely what one federal judge sees as the potential outcome of a recent ruling in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. “Criminalizing All Sorts of Innocuous Conduct” The case, United States v. Nosal, concerned a violation of the 1984 Computer Fraud…
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How Pointing a Laser Pointer Can Lead to Serious Prison Time
Laser pointers are useful tools for professors in the classroom and fun for people to play with outdoors. We may think of them as harmless in everyday life, but if they are used irresponsibly, they have the potential to cause serious damage. In a recent federal court case, a California man was sentenced to 14 years in prison for pointing a laser pointer at a police helicopter.1 In 2012, Sergio…
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California to Release 10,000 Prisoners
Recently, a panel of three judges with jurisdiction over the California state prison population announced that the state must take immediate steps to release approximately 10,000 prison inmates. The three-judge panel ordered the state to release inmates in order to comply with the panel's 2009 order that the prison population be reduced to 137.5% of its original capacity. In 2009, the panel ruled that the health care system in California…
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What are Federal crimes?
The procedures for the two systems also differ significantly. If you have been charged with a federal crime, you need to contact an attorney who is familiar and experienced with federal law. An attorney who is familiar with only state law will not be able to provide you with the best possible defense. A criminal attorney who is highly skilled and knowledgeable about federal law will be able to effectively…
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TSA Agents at LAX Facing Federal Drug Charges
The Transportation Security Agency has had more than its fair share of black eyes in the past few years. Now, two of their current employees and two former employees are in need of a Los Angeles federal crimes attorney after being arrested on federal drug crimes. In a shocking story, the TSA agents reportedly allowed drug smugglers to pass through Los Angeles International Airport x-ray machines with large quantities of…
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Bikini Model Turned International Drug Kingpin Arrested and Extradited to US
International bikini model, Simone Farrow, will be in need of a good drug crimes lawyer and most likely a top notch federal crimes lawyer. The supermodel was arrested in 2009 and charged with being the mastermind of an international methamphetamines distribution ring. The supermodel posted bail then skipped the country, but was found in Australia and will be extradited back to the United States. Farrow made a name for herself…
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Auburn University Basketball Player Face Possible Federal Crimes Charge in Point Shaving Scandal
If you are a college basketball fan, March is the greatest month of the year. But with March Madness upon the nation, at least one player may be in need of a federal crimes attorney due to a developing scandal involving point shaving at Auburn University. The play involved is Auburn point guard Verez Ward. He is currently under investigation for shaving points in at least two games this season.…
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Can a Police Dog’s Nose Supersede a Warrant?
The US Supreme Court is deciding that very issue. The case stems from a Florida case, where a police dog in the front yard of a house smelled marijuana, thus prompting police to enter the house and search the premises. Police found marijuana inside the residence and made an arrest. After being found guilty of the related charges, the defendant appealed and the Florida Supreme Court overturned the ruling, saying…
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Do You Know the Immigration Status of Your Employees?
While most people know that smuggling immigrants into the United States is a federal crime, most people don't know that employing an illegal immigrant is also a federal crime. Knowing the laws surrounding these crimes is imperative if you want to avoid lengthy jail sentences or heavy fines. Federal law criminalizes the full spectrum of activities that comprise: • Smuggling • Inducing an alien to enter • Bringing an alien…
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