February 26, 2013 By Wallin & Klarich

The procedures for the two systems also differ significantly. If you have been charged with a federal crime, you need to contact an attorney who is familiar and experienced with federal law.

An attorney who is familiar with only state law will not be able to provide you with the best possible defense. A criminal attorney who is highly skilled and knowledgeable about federal law will be able to effectively represent your interests.


For over thirty years, Wallin & Klarich has successfully represented clients accused of committing federal crimes. We are experienced and familiar with the criminal justice system and all of its procedures.

If you have been charged with a federal crime, chances are that a Federal agent, like a FBI or DEA agent, arrested you. A United States attorney will prosecute you.

Your case will be heard in a federal district court. If convicted, you will serve your sentence in a federal prison.

Being charged with a federal crime is scary and upsetting. You are worried about what is going to happen to you and your family.

How Can an Attorney Help Me?

Your federal criminal lawyer from Wallin & Klarich will meet with you and help you make important decisions regarding your case. Your lawyer will help you decide:
• If you are going to cooperate with the Federal Government in the beginning of the investigation • If you are going to enter into early plea negotiations in order to minimize your sentence
Your lawyer from Wallin & Klarich will also meet with the prosecutor to discuss:
• The charges you will face • If a plea agreement can be reached before federal charges are filed, minimizing your sentence
Having a competent federal defense attorney is imperative if you are going to be successful in your case. The punishments for most federal crimes are more severe than those for state crimes.

You need to protect your legal rights. Federal prosecutors are aggressive and will carefully seek the harshest punishment possible. You need an attorney who will vigorously fight for you.
We won’t let the prosecutor take advantage of you or intimidate you into taking a more severe punishment.

The attorneys at Wallin & Klarich know how to assure that your rights are protected. Call us today at (888) 280-6839 to speak with one of our experienced federal defense lawyers. We will help you get through this process.

Contact Us
  •   17592 Irvine Blvd,
      Tustin, CA 92780
  •   (714) 730-5300
  •   (888) 280-6839
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If you or a loved one have been accused of a crime, this is the time to contact us.

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