Child Endangerment

Don’t Let a Child Endangerment Charge Cost You Your Professional License – Penal Code Section 273a
California law describes "child endangerment" as willfully causing, inflicting upon or permitting a child to suffer unjustified physical or mental pain upon a child. Additionally, if you are the parent, guardian or caretaker of any child and you willfully cause or permit the child to be injured or place him or her in a situation where he or she may be or is endangered, you violate Penal Code Section 273a…
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Former OC Priest Pleads Guilty to Child Molestation (PC 288)
The Orange County Child Molestation Lawyers at Wallin & Klarich have learned that a former Orange County priest has plead guilty to charges of molesting a 7 year-old boy at a Costa Mesa church in 1994. Denis Lyons, 78, of Seal Beach, admitted to four felony counts of lewd conduct with a child younger than 14 in a plea agreement with prosecutors. Lyons' alleged victim says he was molested in…
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Former San Diego Firefighter Re-Arrested on Child Molestation Charges (PC 288)
This is the type of case that the Riverside Child Molestation Defense Attorneys at Wallin & Klarich have successfully defended for decades. A former San Diego County firefighter--awaiting trial on charges that he raped and photographed his unconscious fiancée in Murrieta--is now accused of molesting two young children, according to Riverside County Prosecutors. William Robert Bolduc, a 56-year-old San Diego resident, has pleaded not guilty to rape and other sex…
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What is Child Endangerment? California Penal Code Section 273a
Children can be a handful and they do require constant care and attention. It is not humanly possible, however, for a parent to be 100% attentive and aware of their children. Nonetheless, it is a criminal offense known as child endgangerment to place a child in a situation that will endanger its mental, emotional, or physical well-being. If you place a child in a dangerous situation without taking steps to…
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What Do I Do If My Child Is Taken Away by Social Workers? How Do I Get My Child Back? Welfare & Institutions Code section 300
Having a child taken away from you can be the most traumatic experience in a parent's life. Very often children are wrongly separated from a parent because of false allegations or overzealous and unreasonable social workers. It is far too easy for your children to be taken away by county social workers. A false abuse allegation made out of spite after a heated argument can have devastating personal and legal…
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P.C. 273a – I am accused of child endangerment – What do I do now?
Children are viewed as particularly vulnerable members of society, so any perceived mistreatment or endangerment of their safety will be severely prosecuted. Under Penal Code 273a, child endangerment involves willfully causing or permitting a child to suffer physical or mental injury without taking steps to prevent it. This code section applies even if the child does not suffer any actual injury. Child endangerment is a "wobbler" in that it can…
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Many Continue To Discover Their Name Has Been Placed On The Child Abuse Central Index, Even When The Claims Turn Out To Be Unsubstantiated.
The Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) was created by the Legislature in 1965 as a tool for state and local agencies to help protect the health and safety of California's children. Although the idea of protecting California's children by establishing an index of known abusers is theoretically a good idea, the resulting outcome has been that many are listed on the index based on unsubstantiated claims against them. Recent court…
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I am Accused of Child Endangerment – What Should I Do? – California Penal Code Section 273a
California Penal Code Section 273a defines child endangerment as any person causing great bodily harm or death to a child. This crime includes inflicting physical abuse upon a child, but also punishes any person who allows for a child to physically or mentally suffer. In other words, a person may be convicted of child endangerment if they cause any physical or mental harm to a child. The definition of child…
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Child Endangerment Attorneys in California
What you think is leaving your child at home for a short while to run an errand can very easily be seen as child endangerment in California. The laws governing the way you care for your children are very stringent and diligently enforced. There are a lot of household hazards that parents are unaware of, and leaving your child unattended increases their risk of exposure to these hazards and endangers…
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