By September 30, 2012 Governor Brown must decide whether to reduce California’s cooperation with Secure Communities, a federal program that uses the fingerprints of those arrested to find and deport illegal immigrants, or to continue to allow state and local jails to hold immigrants for deportation when arrested for committing any offense. By signing the TRUST Act, Governor brown will prohibit state and local jails from holding immigrants for deportation unless they committed a serious or violent felony.
By signing the TRUST Act, governor Brown will reduce the fear of deportation that haunts the undocumented community. The current climate prevents many undocumented aliens from cooperating with law enforcement during criminal investigations and from reporting crimes that they have witnessed due to fear of being deported. This is a law that will ensure the security of our state. This law generates hope among thousands of honest families that work arduously to improve the living standards of their children, and who face daily the possibility of getting pulled over while on their way to work and getting their fingerprints taken.
How would you feel if you had lived in your home in Orange County for 20 years and one day on the way to work you were pulled over for a broken taillight and the next thing you know you are in custody facing deportation. You have a wife and three children and have been their sole support. You have no criminal record of any kind. Yet, if this law is not signed by Governor Brown our state runs the risk of being no better than the police and government officials in Arizona who are doing all in their power to run every undocumented worker out of their state.
We urge everyone who cares about fundamental fairness to write Governor Brown urging him to sign this law.
If you or your loved one is facing any criminal charges, we urge you to call our experienced criminal law attorneys from Wallin & Klarich at 888-280-6839. With offices in San Bernardino, Ventura, Riverside, Los Angeles and Orange County, we will be there when you call.