Understanding Burglary Charges and Defense | California PC 449
Understanding Burglary Charges and Defense | California PC 449 Burglary is a crime that involves entering a building or structure with the intent to commit a crime inside. In California, burglary charges are defined under Penal Code 449 and can result in severe penalties if convicted. Choosing Wallin & Klarich to represent your case puts you in a better position to receive the best outcome for your case. We have…
Read MoreTop 5 Most Common Crimes In Los Angeles
Top 5 Most Common Crimes in Los Angeles In recent years, Los Angeles has seen a rise in crimes all across the board including property crimes and violent crimes. Because of this upward trend, the Los Angeles Police Department has put more effort into making arrests for these crimes in an effort to curb the City’s crime rates. If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, it is…
Read MorePolice Proactively Using Social Media to Catch Burglars
In the past, we have shared stories involving criminals who have posted pictures or made comments related to their crimes on various social media platforms. These instances are obviously not smart, and they have led to these criminals being caught and taken into custody. This is the kind of criminal behavior that drives a criminal defense attorney crazy. Now that pretty much everyone has at least one social media account, and many people…
Read MoreBurglars Use Facebook to Break into Home while Family is Gone
Many people find it exciting or even necessary to update their "friends" on their daily activities through social media outlets. Unfortunately, there can be dangerous consequences to these status updates, as one family in Fontana recently learned. ABC News reports that the Cheatheam family began preparing for their upcoming Las Vegas trip like many of us do, by posting updates on their Facebook pages. They shared photos of their hotel…
Read MoreCelebrating the 4th of July in Newport Beach? Watch Out for These 5 Crimes. (PC 240, PC 459, PC 488, PC 647(f), VC 23152(a), VC 23152(b)).
According to the OC Register, more than 100,000 visitors packed into Newport Beach, California to celebrate the Fourth of July in 2012. Newport Beach has approximately 85,000 permanent residents. If you plan to celebrate this year's festivities in Newport Beach, remember to party responsibly. The Newport Beach Police Department's crime statistics indicate that the following five crimes typically experience a significant rise during the month of July: 1. Public Intoxication…
Read MoreI Have Been Charged with First Degree Burglary in Riverside. What Consequences am I Facing if I’m Found Guilty? – Penal Code Section 459
In California, the crime of burglary occurs when you enter a structure -- defined as a building or home under the law -- with the intent to commit a felony or a theft once you are inside. Depending on what kind of structure you enter, you may face one of two different degrees of burglary charges: first degree burglary or second degree burglary. Being charged with first degree burglary in…
Read MoreComplexities in Automobile Burglaries (PC 459)
An individual charged with automobile burglary in Los Angeles (PC 459) would do well to seek the assistance of a Southern California defense attorney. This charge is a wobbler, meaning it may be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony; however, a felony burglary conviction can mean serving time in state prison. California law distinguishes automobile burglary from theft in order to provide stiffer sentencing for individuals who actually break…
Read MoreSouthland Burglars Impersonate City Employees (PC 459 and 529)
If you are facing a burglary charge, the Los Angeles burglary defense attorneys at Wallin & Klarich may be able to help. Burglary is a strike offense in California; receiving a conviction can seriously impair your ability to work or find housing. A string of recent burglaries in the Southland are thought to be connected. The modus operandi of the perpetrators is to pose as Department of Water and Power…
Read MoreOrange County Man Arrested for Burglary After Victim Writes Down His License Plate
A cypress man was arrested on suspicion of burglary after a homeowner walked in on him while in the act. Kris Do Young Shin, 31, was arrested Friday thanks in large part to the calm nature in which the victim handled herself. No word yet on whether or not Shin has retained a criminal defense attorney or not. The incident happened Friday afternoon in broad daylight when woman spotted a…
Read MoreLos Angeles Teen In Custody on Suspicion of Residential Burglary
A Los Angeles teen is going to need a top notch Orange County criminal defense attorney after being caught trying to break into a home in Newport Beach and for being in possession of items stolen during an earlier home invasion. Marvion Templeton, 18, was arrested on suspicion of residential burglary after neighbors reported a suspicious man knocking on doors and trying to open the doors when nobody answered. When…
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