Assault & Battery

Top 5 Most Common Crimes In Los Angeles
Top 5 Most Common Crimes in Los Angeles In recent years, Los Angeles has seen a rise in crimes all across the board including property crimes and violent crimes. Because of this upward trend, the Los Angeles Police Department has put more effort into making arrests for these crimes in an effort to curb the City’s crime rates. If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, it is…
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How to Beat an Assault with a Deadly Weapon Charge (PC 245)
Assault with a deadly weapon is one of the most serious crimes in California. Under California Penal Code Section 245, you could face up to four years in jail and $10,000 in fines if you are convicted of felony assault with a deadly weapon. That is why it is important that you hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer if you are facing assault with a deadly weapon charges. Your assault…
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Los Angeles Judge in Deep Doo-Doo for Dog Poop Incident – PC 242
Do you pick up your pet's waste when you take it for a walk? Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Craig Richman was charged with battery (California Penal Code 242) last week stemming from a dispute over dog poop that was left on the sidewalk. What Happened with Richman? The dispute began on July 18 when Connie Romero placed a plastic bag filled with dog poop on the sidewalk while…
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Battery Convicts Not Banned from Possessing Firearms, California Court of Appeals Rules
Recently, the Second Appellate District of the California Court of Appeals ruled that people convicted of assault and battery under California Penal Code section 242 are not prohibited from possessing firearms under the federal law that prohibits those with a conviction for a "misdemeanor crime of domestic violence" (MCDV) from possessing a firearm. The ruling came from the case of Shirey v. Los Angeles County Civil Service Commission, (B238355, May…
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Compare & Contrast: Assault Vs. Battery In California (PC 240, PC 242)
Many individuals often use the terms "assault" and "battery" interchangeably. However, these terms do not refer to the same crime, but rather two separate offenses under California state law. What is the difference between assault and battery? California Penal Code section 240 defines assault as "an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another." To convict you of assault under PC…
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Celebrating the 4th of July in Newport Beach? Watch Out for These 5 Crimes. (PC 240, PC 459, PC 488, PC 647(f), VC 23152(a), VC 23152(b)).
According to the OC Register, more than 100,000 visitors packed into Newport Beach, California to celebrate the Fourth of July in 2012. Newport Beach has approximately 85,000 permanent residents. If you plan to celebrate this year's festivities in Newport Beach, remember to party responsibly. The Newport Beach Police Department's crime statistics indicate that the following five crimes typically experience a significant rise during the month of July: 1. Public Intoxication…
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I was arrested at a bar for assault and battery in Los Angeles. How can an experienced criminal lawyer help me get my assault and battery charge dismissed? (PC 240 – PC 242)
If you are facing charges of assault and battery in Los Angeles, your first step should be to contact an Assault and Battery Defense Attorney. The Defense Attorneys at Wallin & Klarich have over 30 years of experience successfully defending assault and battery cases in Los Angeles and are ready to help you. Assault and Battery in Los Angeles • Assault: Under Penal Code section 240, a prosecutor can charge…
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If You Assault Your Spouse You Will Likely Be Ordered To Only See Your Children With A Court Approved Monitor – PC 243
There are tremendous consequences if you are accused of assaulting your spouse or loved one. Of course you are facing serious criminal charges. These criminal charges can result in a felony or misdemeanor conviction. This can result in a jail sentence of from one to three years in custody. However, in addition to that a recent court of appeals decision made clear that if you are convicted of assault of…
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Charlie Sheen’s Ex Charged With Felony Assault
Brooke Mueller, the ex-wife of actor Charlie Sheen, was arrested in Colorado and charged with assault and cocaine possession. According to authorities, officers encountered a women who said Mueller had assaulted her. Mueller was later found and arrested. She was arrested for possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, which is a felony, and assault, which is a misdemeanor. Mueller's first court date in Colorado is tomorrow Dec. 19th, where…
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Battery Charges in Los Angeles
The OC Register is reporting by Erika Ritchie, that earlier this week in Lake Forest, California, Orange County deputies responded to a call regarding a possible battery that occurred on Monday at the Chevron gas station off Bridger Road. The alleged victim said he had been hit in the face and his car had been kicked by two individuals who were apparently upset with his driving. The alleged victim stated…
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