March 18, 2015 By Wallin & Klarich

You’re probably aware that texting while driving is illegal in California. But, if you text while driving, you need to know that a new device currently in pre-production would allow police officers to know when you’re texting, even if they can’t see your phone.

texting while driving CaliforniaA small tech firm has developed a new tool that could help law enforcement officers catch texting drivers. ComSonics, a radar gun manufacturer, says their handheld tool is “close to production.” It works by detecting the radio frequencies emitted by a texting phone inside of a vehicle.1

Cellphone activities, such as browsing the internet, talking on a call, or texting, admit different frequencies that can be picked up by the new ComSonics device. Being able to differentiate between texting and call frequencies will make the device useful in all states that have texting bans and even the ones that allow for some type of cellphone use while driving.

Malcolm McIntyre, a ComSonics spokesperson, explained that the tool uses technologies similar to those used by cable repairmen to find damaged areas in transmission cables underground. McIntyre said that the new technology must get legislative approval and a commitment to adopt by law enforcement agencies prior to the start of production.

Consequences of Texting while Driving in California (VC 23123)

In California, it is illegal to text while driving under California Vehicle Code Section 23123.5. If you are cited for texting while driving, you will face a fine of $20 for a first-time offense. With additional fees and penalty assessments, the total fine will be about $165.

Texting and Driving on California Roadways

stop texting appsTexting and driving remains a significant issue on California roadways despite laws and common knowledge of how dangerous it can be. In fact, if you are driving at 55 mph, you could travel the length of a football field in the amount of time it takes to read an average text message.

Recently, app makers have been releasing smartphone applications to make it easier to stay focused on the road. Apps like Text Ya Later and Live2Txt allow drivers to block text and phone notifications and auto-respond to senders with a customizable message that you are driving and unable to respond. DriveOFF is another text blocking app, however it doesn’t depend on you to turn it off and on. DriveOFF turns on automatically when you reach movement of 10mph, and displays a customizable but static screen saver that prevents distraction. Canary is a smartphone application that parents of minor drivers may like. The application notifies parents or guardians about child’s driving behaviors behind the wheel, including speed limits, locations, and curfew violations.

Call the Traffic Ticket Attorneys at Wallin & Klarich

If you are cited for texting while driving, you need to speak with an experienced traffic ticket attorney immediately. At Wallin & Klarich, our skilled attorneys have been successfully defending our clients in traffic matters for over 30 years. We can help you now.

Call our office today at (888) 280-6839 for a free phone consultation. We will be there when you call.

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