September 6, 2012 By Wallin & Klarich

The District Attorney’s office decided not to prosecute an 88 year old man for assisted suicide when his 84 year old ailing wife was found dead with a bag over her head.

The elderly women had been suffering from a variety of medical ailments.

What is just plain insanity is that California is one of the remaining states in this country that still punishes people for homicide for “assisting” your elderly spouse from humanely ending their suffering and being allowed to die with dignity.

Our nation is becoming older and older. Millions of very ill seniors can no longer endure the pain associated with crippling diseases. They live with their spouse for 50 or more years. Their spouse lovingly cares for them when they become seriously ill. When the pain just becomes too much to bear, one spouse begs to be allowed to end his or her life with dignity. Yet our laws say she doesn’t have the “right” to die. She must continue to live in pain until her heart gives out. She is compelled to endure horrible pain on a daily basis while her spouse must sit by and watch this nightmare unfold.

We must urge anyone who will listen to change this outdated law. We must allow two rational, loving people to make the decision when the pain and suffering must end. This decision must be left to the two people who know what is best for each of them. The decision must be left to the loving couple who have lived together for 50 years and know what is best.

We are very interested in your comments which will likely impact most of us in the coming years, either as a person who would like to die with dignity or any member of their loving family.

If you or your loved one is facing homicide charges, call us right now at 888-280-6839. We have been defending people accused for murder for over 30 years. We are available in Ventura, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange County.

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