July 18, 2012 By Wallin & Klarich

If in fact Joe Paterno was advised of sexual activity between Sandusky and minors — which in California law would fall under PC 288 Lewd and Lascivious Acts with Child — he had a legal obligation to report them to the police and social workers. IF he failed to do so and he had been in California, he could have been prosecuted for a crime. I have to assume there is a similar law in Pennsylvania. If it turns out to be true that Paterno knew about the allegations and failed to report them, then it could be argued his inaction lead to many boys being molested, which certainly will leave them with long term psychological scars for years to come. If that is the case, it would only seem justified that his statue be removed from the campus.

His success as a football coach should never “overshadow” the fact (if found out be true) that his inaction would have lead to such horrible consequences to so many young boys.
However, the evidence is not all in, and this must be left to the people at Penn State who will have to make the decision after they review all of the facts. All we know is what is written in this news report and of course there is much more evidence we are not aware of yet.

The Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys at Wallin & Klarich have represented clients facing all types of criminal charges for over 30 years. If you or a loved one has been accused of a lewd or lascivious act with a minor in California (CPC 288), please contact us today at 888-280-6839 to receive our immediate assistance.

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