January 31, 2011 By Wallin & Klarich

ExtraditionExtradition is a legal term for sending people from one state to another where they face criminal charges. If you have a criminal matter pending against you in another state and do not show up to court, that state will issue a warrant for your arrest. Once notified, the California law enforcement authorities will arrest you and transfer to that state to answer the charges. It can also work the other way – if you face an active criminal matter in san Diego, California can issue a warrant allowing law enforcement in the state where you live to arrest and extradite you back to California.

If you are arrested in California and are facing extradition to another state, you are entitled to what is called an identification hearing. This hearing protects your rights under by making sure that you are in fact the person that the other state wants. If the other state cannot prove this, California will not allow your extradition. Wallin & Klarich attorneys can help at an identification hearing by negotiating with the wanting state to resolve the charges while you are still in California, thus avoiding the expense, hassle and embarrassment of being sent to another state.

Call the Extradition Attorneys at Wallin & Klarich

If you are facing extradition, you will need an experienced criminal defense attorney to vigorously represent you. At Wallin & Klarich, we handle all types of extradition cases. Our attorneys have successfully handled these matters for over 30 years. Let us help you with your case today.

With offices in Los Angeles, Sherman Oaks, Torrance, Tustin, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, West Covina and Victorville, there is an experienced Wallin & Klarich criminal defense attorney near you no matter where you work or live.

Call us today at (888) 280-6839 for a free phone consultation. We will be there when you call.

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