The Secret Service is investigating an online survey that asked whether people thought President Obama should be assassinated. The poll was quickly taken off of the popular social networking site, Facebook, after company officials were alerted to its existence. The Associated Press reports that the poll asked questions like “Should Obama be killed? No, Maybe, Yes and Yes if he cuts my health care.
Facebook officials say that they are working with the Secret Service, but have yet to receive specific details of their investigation. The Secret Service has stated that it will take the appropriate investigative steps.
Even though this poll may have been set up as a joke, it does not take away from its criminal implications. Threats against others are criminal no matter who they are made against, much less the President of the United States. People often make statements like these thinking that it is their free speech right under the First Amendment, only to find out later that they are under criminal investigation.
Circumstances like this call for prompt legal action: it is never too early to get a defense attorney involved. Even if you are only under investigation, it is important to have a skilled California criminal defense attorney on your side to protect your rights. Wallin & Klarich is an experienced criminal defense firm that offers legal protection to those who are under criminal investigation. We pride ourselves on aggressive representation from the beginning of the investigative process. Our attorneys can be contacted by phone at 1-888-280-6839 or through our website at