June 12, 2009 By Wallin & Klarich

Being a parent can be overwhelming, especially knowing we are legally responsible for our kids’ actions until they reach the age of majority. Eighteen is the age of majority is most states including California. While we do the best we can to teach our kids good morals and values, right from wrong, there might come a time when kids make the wrong choices.

These wrong choices might lead a parent and child to appear in juvenile delinquency court. This particular court is for children who have committed an act that if committed by an adult would be considered criminal. Fortunately, there are many resources out there to help parents teach their children about the consequences of breaking the law. Perhaps by teaching kids that their actions could have “legal” consequences, they might think twice before committing a juvenile offense.

One of the many resources out there is an extremely informative guide titled “Kids & the Law.” This particular guide is put out by the California Bar Foundation and covers many topics to educate children and their parents about the laws defining children’ rights and responsibilities.

If you are interested in learning more about this guide and where to get a copy of it, contact the Law Firm of Wallin and Klarich so that we may provide you with the proper information. If your child is facing the possibility of criminal charges, it is very wise to seek out the legal advice of an experienced Southern California juvenile criminal defense attorney from Wallin and Klarich. We have been helping minors accused of juvenile crimes for many years. Call 1-888-280-6839, or visit our website, www.wklaw.com for more information.

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