September 23, 2007 By Wallin & Klarich

Kathleen Culhane, a death-penalty investigator, was sentenced to five years in prison for falsifying documents which lead to delays in several executions she investigated.

Ms. Culhane admitted to falsifying the statements of former jurors, witnesses, and even a police officer in four death-penalty cases. Although Ms. Culhane says she is not sorry for what she did, her actions have undermined the legal process and hurt those jurors and witnesses whose statements she fabricated.

As this case shows, clients who are accused of a crime need to retain the services of a top quality criminal defense firm so that these types of problems do not arise. With an AV rating and over 30 years experience with these matters, the attorneys at Wallin & Klarich can prepare an aggressive defense without our clients ending up in more trouble.

At Wallin & Klarich we believe in the utmost aggressive defense of our clients, but this case shows that no matter how much you believe that a client is innocent, you will go to prison if you falsify evidence. Please call us at 1-888-280-6839 for a free phone consultation regarding your case.

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