Crime Conviction

How Wallin & Klarich Can Help You Successfully Fight A Shoplifting Charge – Penal Code Sections 459.5, 484, 490.5
How Wallin & Klarich Can Help You Successfully Fight A Shoplifting Charge - Penal Code Sections 459.5, 484, 490.5 In California, shoplifting laws are taken very seriously. If you're facing such charges, understanding the legal landscape is crucial. This blog aims to guide you through everything you need to know if you’ve been accused of shoplifting in California–from understanding the specific charge to exploring successful defense strategies. Our experienced criminal…
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When Does Petty Theft Become A Felony?
When Does Petty Theft Become A Felony? Petty theft generally applies to shoplifting instances. Petty theft is the taking of property valued at less than $950, and it is considered a misdemeanor in California. However, if the accused has two prior convictions for petty theft or grand theft, then it could be charged as a felony. There are other circumstances that can make petty theft a felony, such as the…
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Do I Need an Attorney for Shoplifting Charges in Murrieta?
According to annual reports, Murrieta ranked far below the national average in every category used to calculate criminal statistics. Thus, it is no surprise that in 2012, Murrieta was ranked as having the seventh lowest crime rate for cities in the United States with a population size of 100,000 to 499,000. However, larceny crimes are one of the biggest concerns in Murrieta because these crimes totaled nearly 70 percent of…
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Celebrating the 4th of July in Newport Beach? Watch Out for These 5 Crimes. (PC 240, PC 459, PC 488, PC 647(f), VC 23152(a), VC 23152(b)).
According to the OC Register, more than 100,000 visitors packed into Newport Beach, California to celebrate the Fourth of July in 2012. Newport Beach has approximately 85,000 permanent residents. If you plan to celebrate this year's festivities in Newport Beach, remember to party responsibly. The Newport Beach Police Department's crime statistics indicate that the following five crimes typically experience a significant rise during the month of July: 1. Public Intoxication…
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Is there a defense against shoplifting if it was accidental? (Penal Code 484)
When a person is arrested or giving a citation for Riverside petty theft they need to realize this is a serious criminal offense. This is considered a crime of "moral turpitude". If you are found guilty of this crime, it will remain on your permanent record. If you apply for a job after being convicted of a theft crime it is very unlikely anyone will want to hire you in…
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Ventura County’s Policy Is To Prosecute All Petty Theft Shoplifters. Why You Need To Hire Experienced Ventura County Defense Attorney (Penal Code 488)
Ventura County does not follow the policy of other California courts when it comes to petty theft charges. In some California courts, the prosecutor and the court employ a policy that allows a person who is charged with a first-time misdemeanor petty theft offense to enroll in a theft class. If that class is successfully completed, the person will have the misdemeanor charge dismissed. However Ventura County has no such…
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I was Arrested for Theft at the Mall. What is the Punishment for Petty Theft in Riverside? (488 pc)
If you have been charged with grand theft or petty theft in Riverside, our knowledgeable theft attorneys – experienced in the workings and procedures of the Riverside local courts – provide you an overview of the punishment for petty theft that you are facing in Riverside. Under California Penal Code section 488, any theft that is not considered grand theft is charged as petty theft. Under Penal Code section 487,…
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Will I Have To Go To Jail For A First-Time SHoplifting Offense In California?
Although the answer to this question depends on the facts of the case the answer is most likely that you will not actually go to jail for a first-time shoplifting offense in California, penal code 484. The rule of thumb is that the higher the value of items that were stolen the more severe the punishment will be. If you are charged with shoplifting or petty theft then the value…
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What Motivates Shoplifters?
Shoplifting in Orange County is so common that many people who otherwise consider themselves upstanding citizens have committed an offense at one time or other. Just switching a price tag with another from a less-expensive garment is stealing. Indeed, some minor offenses may not even seem unethical to many. However, shoplifting is serious, and can carry harsh penalties. Shoplifting is an equal opportunity offender. Individuals from every background imaginable are…
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Mother Abandons 10 Year Old Daughter At Target After Getting Caught Shoplifting
Being arrested for theft is bad enough. But using your 10-year-old daughter to commit the crime, then abandoning her at Target when she got caught seems to be a lot worse. That is exactly what happened this weekend, and now Tiffany Foster is going to need a good criminal defense lawyer as well as an incredible family law attorney if she hopes to keep custody of her child. Security cameras…
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