Crime Conviction

How To Fight Against Internet Stalking Charges – Penal Code Sections 646.9, 653.2
How To Fight Against Internet Stalking Charges - Penal Code Sections 646.9, 653.2 Internet stalking charges can seem overwhelming and life-altering. If you're facing these accusations, it's crucial to understand your legal options and how to defend yourself successfully with the help of a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney. This blog post will guide you through the intricacies of internet stalking laws, the strategies to build a strong defense and how…
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6 Winning Defenses to a Stalking Charge (PC 646.9)
A skilled California criminal defense lawyer can present several potential defenses to a stalking charge including: The threat was not credible. A reasonable person would not have become fearful after getting the threat. The threat could not be realistically or reasonably executed. You were exercising your free speech such as participating in a rally or a protest. You were mistakenly identified. You were falsely accused by someone with an ulterior…
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When Does Cyberstalking Become a Federal Offense? (PC 646.9)
Cyberstalking is the act of threatening, annoying or harassing someone over the Internet with the intent of intimidating or leading the recipients to believe that they or their loved ones will be injured or harmed. Common types of electronic technologies used for cyberstalking include emails, chat rooms and social networking sites. Experts believe that stalkers, including cyberstalkers, are motivated by a desire to harass victims, get back at them or…
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I Am Accused Of Cyberstalking My Ex-Girlfriend. What Does This Mean? (Penal Code 646.9)
Following a breakup with your long-term girlfriend, you emailed her to see how she was doing. You initially sent a couple of messages, but did not receive a response from her. Frustrated by her lack of response, you decided to send her several threatening emails every day for a month. Now, you are being accused of cyberstalking under California Penal Code section 646.9. If you are confronted with accusations of…
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How Can A Criminal Lawyer Defend Me From A Stalking Charge? PC 649
California has one of the harshest stalking laws in the country. Those accused of stalking face harsh penalties that can quickly escalate. Your best hope is to talk to an experienced stalking defense attorney immediately and get all of your questions answered. Below, the experienced stalking defense attorneys at Wallin & Klarich explain the basics of a stalking charge and the potential punishment. Prosecution for Stalking PC 649 Under Penal…
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