Possession of Methamphetamine

Can my case be dismissed for possession for sale of meth in Orange County? (CA Health & Safety Code Section 11351)
If you have been charged with possession for sale of methamphetamine in Orange County, under Health and Safety Code Section 11351, you may face harsh penalties if the prosecution can successfully prove the elements of the crime. You need the experienced Orange County defense team at Wallin & Klarich to fight for you using an effective defense strategy. There are a number of defenses that could result in the dismissal…
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What to Expect When You Are Charged with Possession of Methamphetamine – Health and Safety Code Section 11377
If you find yourself facing criminal charges for being in possession of Methamphetamine you will need to be aware of what the prosecution must prove in order to convict you. Since meth is classified as a controlled substance, simply having possession of a usable amount can result in criminal charges. You can be deemed to be in "possession" by having it on your person (i.e., in your pocket) or having…
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I am Accused of Meth Possession – What Should I Do? – California Health and Safety Code Section 11377
California Health and Safety Code Section 11377 makes methamphetamine ("meth") possession illegal. Meth Possession is a serious crime with serious penalties. If you are charged with meth possession, it is important that you speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney to get you the best possible result in your case. Meth possession means that you had physical custody of the meth. You must also know the nature of meth as…
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