Possession for Sale of Marijuana

Possession of Marijuana For Sale Cases In California Under Health And Safety Code 11359
Possession of marijuana with intent to sell is a serious crime in California that is punishable by up to a maximum term of 3 years in "county prison" and a $10,000 fine. With the passing of the compassionate us act in 1996 California became one of the first states in the nation to legalize medical marijuana. The implementation of state legislation in January of 2011 decriminalized the simple possession of…
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Is There a Medical Marijuana User List or Database that Employers Can Check? – H&S 11362.5
Marijuana possession is a crime in California, except if you are medically prescribed marijuana and you used and possess it consistent with state and local law. California protects the list of medical marijuana patients for patient confidentiality reasons. For instance, an employer could not normally check whether a potential or existing employee is being treated for an STD, because that would be an unacceptable intrusion on a person's right to…
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I Was Caught With Marijuana in San Diego. What Do I Do? – H&S Code § 11357; V.C. § 23222
If you were cited or arrested for possession of marijuana in San Diego it is important to know the consequences you may be January 2011, the penalty for possession of up to an ounce of marijuana was changed from a misdemeanor to an infraction, meaning a possible fine of up to $100.00 (H&S Code § 11357; V.C. § 23222.). This means that you cannot face jail time for a first…
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How Legal Medical Marijuana Possession Can Still Result In Your Arrest And Drug Possession Charges – California Health and Safety Code Section 11359
It was recently reported that probation conditions prohibiting marijuana apply when the restriction of marijuana is reasonably related to a defendant's current criminal case. In December 2006, Thomas Theodore Brooks was arrested after being found in possession of cannabis and methamphetamine. The trial court placed him on formal probation for three years. One of the terms of his probations required that he not be in possession of illegal drugs unless…
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Anaheim’s Ordinance on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Nears a Ruling
Medical marijuana users and local governments are paying close attention to the ruling in Qualified Patients Association v. City of Anaheim (G040077). This is a case of first impression that is being heard by the Court of Appeal. The issue is whether local governments can enact regulations entirely prohibiting the operation of medical marijuana dispensaries. California decriminalized medical marijuana in 1996 which is codified in Health & Safety Code Section…
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Los Angeles District Attorney To Crack Down On Medical Marijuana Dispensaries And How An Experienced Southern California Drug Defense Attorney Can Help You
It was recently reported that Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley will prosecute medical marijuana dispensaries for over-the-counter sales of marijuana. In Los Angeles County, patients with a doctor's recommendation can go to a medical marijuana dispensary to purchase their medication. The number of those purchasing cannabis with a doctor's recommendation has steadily risen, increasing demand. With the increase in demand, the number of medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles…
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California’s Compassionate Use Act – Medicinal Marijuana – California Health & Safety Code Section 11362.5
California passed Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act ("CUA"), in 1996. The CUA allows patients and caregivers to possess and cultivate marijuana for the purpose of medical treatment. Despite the federal government's continued ban on the possession of marijuana, the California state legislature enacted Health and Safety Code 11362.5 because of Proposition 215. Sometimes law enforcement will happen upon a medical marijuana card that was issued, say a couple of…
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Possession for Sale of Marijuana – California Health and Safety Code Section 11359
Anyone charged with possession for sale of marijuana should speak with an experienced drug possession attorney in Southern California. Possession for sale of marijuana is a serious crime that comes with harsh penalties and consequences. California Health and Safety Code Section 11359 makes it a felony for anyone to unlawfully possess marijuana for the purpose of sales. To be convicted under Section 11359, it needs to be proven that the…
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