March 29, 2013 By Wallin & Klarich

Indecent Exposure Charges in Orange County

Under California Penal Code Section 314, it is illegal to willfully and lewdly expose your private parts in a public place or any place where people would be offended or annoyed by such conduct. You can be convicted for indecent exposure even if you were inside your own house at the time of the incident when you expose your private parts in the presence of another who might be offended or annoyed.

An indecent exposure conviction can completely change your life. For example, under Penal Code Section 290, if you are convicted of indecent exposure, you will be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. Wallin & Klarich’s team of Sex Crimes Defense Attorneys in Orange County know the laws pertaining to indecent exposure and sex offender registration in California. We can provide you with an overview of the elements of the crime that the prosecution needs to prove in order to convict you for indecent exposure and help you achieve the best possible outcome in your case.


Defenses to Indecent Exposure in Orange County

If you were in your home at the time of the indecent exposure incident, there are a number of defenses to indecent exposure charges that your Orange County Wallin & Klarich attorney can raise on your behalf. Your attorney can argue that:

1. You were in your own home with a reasonable expectation of privacy

If you were in your own home with a reasonable expectation of privacy, you may have a defense to your indecent exposure charges. We can argue that your exposure did not take place in a public area or within the presence of another who would be offended by such conduct. If the court finds that you had a reasonable expectation of privacy in your home when the incident occurred, you will not face criminal liability.

2. You lacked intent to expose

A lack of intent is one of the strongest defenses to an indecent exposure charge. If you were in your house at the time of the incident, your Wallin & Klarich attorney can argue that you lacked the intent necessary to convict you of indecent exposure. While you were in your home, if you had no intent to draw the public’s attention to the area of your body in question, this defense may be successful.

3. Lack of Intent to Offend or Sexually Arouse Another

The prosecution must also show that you exposed your genitals for the purpose of sexual arousal or to offend another person. If you were in your own home and did not intend to expose yourself for either of these purposes, we can argue that you lacked the necessary intent to be convicted of this crime.

Finding an Indecent Exposure Defense Attorney in Orange County

The first and most critical step you must take is to obtain a team of Orange County Indecent Exposure Criminal Defense Attorneys who have experience in indecent exposure cases. The Sex Crimes Defense Attorneys at Wallin & Klarich have over 30 years of experience successfully defending clients against indecent exposure charges. We have offices in Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, Victorville, West Covina, Torrance, and Sherman Oaks.

Call us today at (888) 280-6839. We will get through this together.

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      Tustin, CA 92780
  •   (714) 730-5300
  •   (888) 280-6839
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