Does a 10 year boy who kills his father and who was raised in an environment filled with neo-Nazi propaganda really know the difference between right and wrong? That is the decision a Riverside Superior Court judge must make in the murder trial of this young boy.
The defense showed photos during the trial of the boy holding a toy gun during a neo-Nazi gathering. The District Attorney admitted that the victim was a member of the National Socialist movement. However, he argued that the boy must be held accountable for the shooting of his father. The boy was quoted by his lawyer as saying “I thought if I shoot him maybe he won’t be able to hurt us.”
The judge must answer this question. If a boy is raised in a neo-Nazi home where hate and violence and racism were taught does that “excuse” the boys behavior when he uses those teachings to kill his own father? If you believe that the father taught the boy these things does that mean the boys conduct should be considered “excusable homicide”?
The District Attorney argues that he must be treated like any other person who kills another. The DA argues that he did know what he was doing when he shot his father and so he is guilty of murder. The fact that his father held these politics views is not an excuse for murder.
What do you think about this extremely interesting and sad legal issue?
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