Here are the questions you need to ask yourself:
1. Do you wish to appeal or modify your sentence?
2. Are you on Megan’s Law website and wish to be removed?
3. Are you seeking to stop 290 sex registration by filing a Certificate of Rehabilitation or a Governor’s Pardon?
4. Do you want to reduce the felony conviction to a misdemeanor and seek expungement?
5. Even if ordered to register as a sex offender, that order could be illegal and contrary to current California law that has recently changed.
Regardless of your circumstance, the stakes are too high not to consult Wallin and Klarich. We have been assisting people accused of sex crimes for over thirty-two years.
We have successfully defended persons accused of sex crimes as well as successful appeals from wrongful convictions.
We have also stopped the PC 290 sex registration requirement for many clients who are seeking relief from this terrible stigma. Can you imagine the liberating feeling you would experience when told your name and picture will be removed from the Megan’s Law website and you no longer have to register as a sex offender? Call us at (888) 749-0034 for a free phone consultation or visit us at With offices throughout the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, San Diego and Orange Counties. We will be there when you call.