October 24, 2012 By Wallin & Klarich

I have been practicing criminal law for over 32 years. I get countless calls from people who have been registering as a sex offender for many years and want advice. I ask them the same question. “Why didn’t you seek relief sooner?”


Many people in California are under the misconception that there is nothing that anyone can do and that the registration requirement is for life. They are right AND WRONG.

If you were convicted of certain sex crimes enumerated in Penal Code section 290, the statute says that registration is for life. However, in many cases registration may not be for life.

California law allows people to petition to seek removal from the sex registration list by either a Certificate of Rehabilitation under 4852 PC and/or a Governor’s Pardon. Just last month, our law firm won 4 consecutive Certificates of Rehabilitation in Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside Counties. In all instances, our client no longer had to register as a sex offender. What is also interesting is that they could have stopped registering a lot earlier had they known about the law. Often times, crimes were committed many years ago when the client was young. Now at an older age, they find themselves unable to coach little league for their son, or perhaps participate in Boys or Girls scouts with their child because they are a 290 registrant. They are unable to participate in the lives of their child for conduct that may have happened 10-15-20 years ago.

Courts are granting Certificates of Rehabilitation. Governor Jerry Brown had granted over 470 Pardons when he was last Governor and has already granted pardons in his current tenure. Governor Schwarzenegger granted a total of 7. The time has never been better to seek relieve.

Call our office today for a consultation at 1-888-280-6839. If there is a way out of the registration requirement, we will certainly find it.

Stephen Klarich

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