August 15, 2012 By Wallin & Klarich

Your Orange County defense attorneys at Wallin & Klarich gladly announce that as of today, Wednesday, August 15, 2012 President Obama’s promise to help young undocumented persons who were brought to the US as children begins to come true. As of August 15, 2012 those persons who are in the US illegally, but were brought to the US when they were young can apply for a work permit.

This program also grants a two year “deportation deferral” for those persons that were in the immigration process and were facing deportation.

This is one of the most important laws that President Obama has had the courage to enact to help tens of thousands of young adults in California.

These hard working, energetic young adults want to contribute in a positive way to our country. This will allow them to come out of the shadows and to obtain the ability to work legally in the United States. In addition, this will allow them to legally learn new trades and to advance in our society.

The next step in a positive direction will be when California allows these same people to obtain drivers licenses, so they can travel to and from to work. When this happens, they will be required to obtain car insurance, like all other drivers. This will protect so many people from getting injured by those that are currently driving illegally and without insurance.

Today, August 15, 2012 is a very good day for those of us who care about the future of young adults and want them to be able to come out of the shadows and to proudly join the work force.

At Wallin & Klarich our defense attorneys in Orange County have over 30 years of experience fighting to protect the civil rights of thousands of individuals who are facing critical legal matters. If you or a loved one is facing a criminal or family law issue in Southern California, please call us at 888-280-6839.

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