March 26, 2012 By Wallin & Klarich

We don’t even know where to begin with this one. Late Friday night, a delivery driver for a medical marijuana dispensary dialed 911 to report that he had been robbed by ninjas. Well, to be precise, he was robbed by two men dressed as ninjas.

The victim in this case reported to police that he was on a delivery when two men dressed as ninjas, wielding batons, began chasing him. Frightened, he ran, dropping his delivery and some cash. The two thieves took that bag with the medical marijuana and fled on foot. The delivery driver was able to provide a not so detailed description of his assailaints. West Covina police are looking for two men in their 20’s, approximately 5’8″, wearing black ninja outfits. If the suspects in the case wear their ninja costumes every day, they probably won’t be too hard to find.

As humorous as this crime may seem, with 30 years of experience as Southern California robbery crimes attorneys, we can attest that 1st degree robbery is a serious offense. In addition to facing up to six years in state prison, the use of a dangerous weapon would add an extra year onto their sentence.

While the thought of ninjas robbing a marijuana delivery driver might make you laugh, West Covina police are taking the report seriously and are investigating the report. Needless to say, police say that have not had any other similar cases reported to them, so there’s no need to worry about a ninja crime spree in Southern California.

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