Almost universally in California; courts will require defendants who are convicted of a DUI in Los Angeles to take a state approved alcohol education course. In addition, the California DMV requires the enrollment in a state approved alcohol education course before a licensee can get their driving privileges back, once they’ve been convicted of a DUI. Below is a summary of the different courses one will have to take; depending upon the circumstances of their conviction, and if they’ve had priors.
• For a first time offender, with Blood Alcohol Concentration of .14% or less; the defendant has to enroll and complete AB 541. AB 541 is a 3 month course which meets once a week for 2 hours.
• For a first time offender, with Blood Alcohol Concentration between .15% and .19%; the defendant has to enroll and complete AB 762. AB 762 is a 6 month course which meets once a week for 2 hours. This program can also be ordered by the court if you were under a .15% BAC, but were involved in a collision when your DUI occurred.
• For a first time offender, with Blood Alcohol Concentration of .20% or more; the defendant has to enroll and complete AB 1353. AB 1353 is a 9 month course which meets once a week for 2 hours.
• For a second or subsequent offender- the court will order you to attend SB 38. SB 38 is an 18 month program that includes group counseling, individual counseling, AA meeting, and bi-weekly interviews.
Having the right lawyer can help in how your case is negotiated. For instance, there are times when a defendant with a .17% BAC can get the ok from the DA to only attend the 3 month AB 541 as opposed to the 6 month AB 762.
If you or a loved one have been charged with a DUI contact the experienced Southern California criminal defense attorneys at Wallin & Klarich. We’ve have been helping criminal defendants for over 30 years. Call us at (888) 280-6839 or visit us at