A defense attorney from Wallin & Klarich can request alternative sentences for potential jail terms in Los Angeles County. If you are charged and convicted of a Los Angeles DUI, these are some alternatives in lieu of going to jail and or prison.
1. Cal Trans One alternative sentence is Cal Trans whereby you would have to pickup trash and debris from along our roadways and freeways. A work day is usually about 8 hours and equivalent to a jail day.
2. Community Service Community Service is another alternative which often involves working with non-profit organizations. You may also be given the option to work as a volunteer at a charitable cause or church program.
3. Electronic Home Confinement
Another possibility is to ask the judge to consider house arrest or home electronic monitoring in lieu of sending you to jail is an option. Under this program, you will be monitored and required to remain at home but the program will allow you to go to your job or attend school, as well as keep medical appointments.
4. Sober Living
Under certain circumstances your attorney can request the alternative sentence that involves care and counseling from one of the sober living services. Housing, alcohol and drug counseling services, self-help group sessions, education or training and help finding a job are all typical services provided in these programs.
5. Private Jail
Finally, in very few cases, you can opt to serve in a private jail facility, where you may be offered work furlough privileges. This option can be a costly, but less disruptive to you and your family.
If you or a loved one have been accused or charged with DUI in Los Angeles, it is very important that you speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately, like the attorneys at Wallin & Klarich. We have over 30 years of experienced handling this type of matters and can assist you in obtaining the best possible result. Call the law firm of Wallin& Klarich today at, (888) 749-0034 to speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney about your case.