December 22, 2010 By Wallin & Klarich

Grand theft charges are typically based on Penal Code 487. Most commonly, the crime of grand theft happens when a person steals personal property valued at over $400. Such personal property typically includes retail products such as DVDs and clothes, food, checks, cash, and household items.

Prosecutors can bring grand theft charges are various theories. The most common theories are larceny and trick. Larceny is when someone takes property with the intent to deprive the owner of it permanently or for a sufficient length of time as to deprive the owner of a major portion of its value or enjoyment. Grand theft by trickery is when someone tricks an owner into giving up possession of an item.

Grand theft is included in such crimes as shoplifting, embezzlement, check fraud, and grand theft auto. Wallin & Klarich has defended people accused of grand theft charges for decades and we have helped thousands of clients. We can help you too. Give us a call today.

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