An article in the Los Angeles Times discusses recent L.A. Sheriff’s statistics that show crime in Los Angeles and across Southern California has reduced in recent months. The reduction comes despite an economic downturn which has resulted in an unemployment rate in double digits, an imploded housing market, and the closing of countless businesses.
The decline flies in the face of predictions made by many crime experts that the region would probably experience substantial increases in property-related crimes and some types of violence as more people fell into financial hardship. Quite the opposite has happened, the article explains. Property crimes, such as burglary and auto theft, were down 6.4% over the same period last year, while violent crimes, including homicides and rapes, were down 4.9%. The Sheriff’s Department reported a 10% drop in serious violent and property crimes in the areas it patrols.
It can be argued that during these times of financial hardships, that individuals are spending more time at home in an attempt to save what little income they have for important things like bills and food. The trend of people moving back with family members and parents to save on rent also has an impact on how often and when certain individuals go out. As these individuals move back to the nest, there propensity to get into trouble lessens.
In these difficult economic times, it is more important than ever to vigilantly defend your rights under the law. A criminal conviction can cost you your employment, future job prospects, and heavy fines. While most think that a quality criminal defense lawyer in California is expensive, the prospect of conviction and the serving of a lengthy jail sentence can be much more costly.
Some clients find it difficult to pay in full for our legal services when they first retain Wallin & Klarich to help them. In some cases we may be able to assist you in obtaining financing for your case through a company that works closely with our law firm. In other cases, we may be able to assist you with financing through the Wallin & Klarich credit department. Our aggressive attorneys are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to advise you on your case. Call us today at 1-888-280-6839. Also, visit us online at to learn more about your case and what can be done.