January 27, 2009 By Wallin & Klarich

Do I Really Need A Bribery Defense Lawyer?

EMBEZZLEMENT_1Bribery is giving or offering to give something of value to another person in order to influence their decisions. It is explicitly forbidden to offer or make a bribe to the following persons:

  • Judges and other judicial officers
  • Jurors
  • Referees and umpires
  • Arbitrators
  • Elected officials
  • State, city or county government workers and members of public corporations; &
  • Anyone else authorized by law to decide any question or controversy

Those serving in the roles above will also be guilty of bribery should they accept an actual bribe or offer one. In either case, bribery is a felony carrying two to four years in state prison. Those convicted of accepting a bribe will also be fined $2,000 or the amount of the bribe, up to $10,000 or twice the amount of the bribe — whichever is larger.

As to public officials, they will automatically be removed from their office and barred from occupying future offices if they are convicted of bribery. Public officials and the people around them might also be charged with the similar crimes of extortion or corruption should they use the power of their office to obtain goods or services. Furthermore, they may also be subject to related charges, such as accepting an illegal campaign contribution.

Unfortunately, California bribery and corruption charges can easily arise out of innocent mistakes. State and local laws can be complex and confusing, making it difficult to anticipate what behavior is illegal. To illustrate, even a plate of cookies left at a government office could be interpreted as a bribe though no improper influence was intended, and lobbyists could possibly be charged with bribery for simply doing their jobs. Unfortunately, the penalties for a wrongful bribery conviction can include the total destruction of a career, as well as prison time and steep fines. If you’re facing these charges, it is essential to get help from an experienced California bribery defense attorney.

Contact an Attorney Immediately

At Wallin & Klarich, we have the experience and resources to tackle complex bribery and corruption cases. With more than 30 years of legal experience and several former prosecutors on staff, we understand what the prosecution must prove to convict you — and how to mount a solid defense. If necessary, we are prepared to hire private investigators and other experts to find and prove the truth in your case. And because we know how stressful criminal charges can be for our clients and their loved ones we maintain constant availability for our clients — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

With offices in Los Angeles, Sherman Oaks, Torrance, Tustin, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, West Covina and Victorville, there is an experienced Wallin & Klarich criminal defense attorney near you no matter where you work or live.

Call us today at (888) 280-6839 for a free phone consultation. We will be there when you call.

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  •   17592 Irvine Blvd,
      Tustin, CA 92780
  •   (714) 730-5300
  •   (888) 280-6839
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