October 1, 2008 By Wallin & Klarich

DUI Charge dropped against Shia LaBeouf but he has lost his driving privilege for refusing chemical test.

Shia LaBeouf’s late July arrest came to a conclusion recently.

LaBeouf was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving but authorities have said that there is not enough evidence to charge him with a DUI. LaBeouf’s license will be suspended though, as he refused to take a blood-alcohol test.

The arrest stemmed from a July 26, 2008 crash in which LaBeouf was making a left turn and another vehicle crashed into him, causing his vehicle to roll over.

Although he was found not to be at fault for the accident as the other vehicle involved ran a red light, LaBeouf was arrested for the suspicion of drunk driving.

When you are arrested for a DUI in California it is critical that you understand that you do not have to take the “PAS” test when first stopped by the police officer. However, you are required by law to submit to a blood or breathe test after you have been arrested and taken to the police station. IF you refuse to submit to a chemical test at that time the police officer will notify the DMV and your license will be suspended.

It is always a “judgment call” when you are stopped for a DUI. Do I take the chemical test and “hope” the result is under the legal limit? Do I refuse the test knowing that my driving privilege will be suspended? In great part the answer should often be based upon whether you feel you are intoxicated.

If you or a loved one is facing a drunk driving charge or is facing having their license suspended, it is of the utmost importance to retain the services of a highly skilled Los Angeles DUI defense attorney to help you. A qualified and aggressive attorney will fight for you to ensure that you aren’t falsely charged or given an unfair sentence for a crime you did not commit.

We at Wallin and Klarich have over 30 years of experience and are sure to get you the help you need in resolving your DUI or suspended license case. Call us 24 hours a day 7 days a week at 1-888-749-0034 to talk to one of our aggressive and brilliant criminal defense attorneys or visit our website at www.wklaw.com.

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