The lawyers at the Wallin & Klarich San Diego office spend a great deal of their time in court representing clients accused of crimes. We know the judges. We know the prosecutors. We know the other criminal defense lawyers. And we know the law. Because we have so many opportunities to see other lawyers in court, we also know that many of them do not know the law. By way of example, on two different occasions within the last two weeks, two different veteran criminal defense lawyers appeared in front of the judge and obviously did not know the law; both cases were DUI cases. I emphasize that these were two seasoned, veteran, experienced criminal defense lawyers who did not know current DUI law. How can that be? At Wallin & Klarich, we find it absolutely astonishing that a lawyer can practice criminal defense without knowing basic DUI laws. We would think that you would find it astonishing as well.
You should be wondering how such supposedly knowledgeable attorneys can get by without knowing the law. The reason is because the law changes frequently. An attorney who practices criminal defense needs to know the United States and California Constitutions, the Penal Code, the Vehicle Code, and about a dozen other California codes, in addition to administrative rulings, executive orders, and case law (which are updated every single day). The problem that the two lawyers referenced above had was that California DUI laws changed a couple of years ago, and they didn’t appear to understand the new DUI/DMV laws. Yes, a couple of years, not a couple of months, ago. Apparently, those lawyers did not feel it necessary to maintain knowledge of the many new laws that come in to play which have serious adverse effects on their clients. What’s that you say? Yes, we agree, it is extremely unfortunate for their clients.
Right about now you should also be wondering how you can tell which lawyers know the law, today’s laws, and which lawyers do not. Every lawyer at Wallin & Klarich, including the lawyers in the San Diego office, keep up with daily changes in criminal law. We read the legal news. We write legal memorandum with updates on criminal law. We attend continuing legal education frequently. But we do more than that. At Wallin & Klarich, every single lawyer presents seminars and speeches regarding criminal law issues to other lawyers. Each lawyer gives a presentation at least once a year. Wallin & Klarich lawyers teach other lawyers how to represent people accused of crimes. Not only that, but every lawyer at Wallin & Klarich has the other lawyers in the firm to consult on any given case. We work as a team, asking questions and finding answers, for each other and for our clients. If you hire Wallin & Klarich, your hire the whole firm, not just one lawyer.
The best way you have of learning more about a lawyer, and determining whether or not he or she knows the law, is by consulting with the lawyer. The lawyer should be able to tell you the law, or, in cases that are factually or legally unique or complex, should at least know where to find the law. If the law is unsettled, the lawyer should know which arguments are strongest, and know which laws will help you or will harm you. At Wallin & Klarich, we offer free telephonic conversations. We can also set up one-hour in-person consultations to go over your specific situation. We will answer all of your questions, to the extent possible. We will point out to you where potential pitfalls might lie, and try to point out the direction in which your San diego criminal defense case should proceed, to the extent possible.
If you or a loved one has been accused of a crime, you would be very wise to speak with an experienced attorney, and a knowledgeable one. See our website at or call us at 1-888-749-0034.