December 5, 2007 By Wallin & Klarich

Wallin & Klarich has been helping people who have been accused of violating their probation for over 30 years. Whether you were placed on probation for a misdemeanor offense or a felony, you should consult counsel before having to appear before the Court. When placed on probation, the Judge in essence, suspends jail/prison time over your head. If you violate any term or condition of that probation, the Judge can sentence you for up to the amount of jail/prison time you were originally looking at when you plead guilty to that crime. Thus, your exposure to serving jail time is enormous. You can violate probation by not doing what the Court ordered you to do, such as:

-failure to pay a fine -failure to attend or complete an alcohol or drug program -for testing dirty to your probation officer if you were on formal/supervised probation -for failing to report to jail to start a jail sentence -for failing to complete community service -for violating a law -for possessing material that you were previously ordered not to possess (ie. firearm, checks, credit cards, pornography, etc)
-for making contact with a person you were told you could not contact.
-for failure to make restitution to victim.

Whatever the reason is for an alleged violation of probation, jail time or prison time exposure is all the reason you need to hire a competent and experienced California criminal defense attorney at Wallin & Klarich. Call us anytime.

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      Tustin, CA 92780
  •   (714) 730-5300
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